Friday, September 9, 2011


Form is similar to shape. Form is a 3-dimensional object that has tone, texture, and color.You can look and feel the shape of the object. Form is the structure and design of the object and how it looks. Most picture in form are in black and white. This is a good example of the element form because you can see the different forms of the object and the white against the black shade makes the shapes stand out more. 


Shape is a 2-dimensional object with no thickness. This picture can be defined be edges and how they stand out. When a line crosses itself with other lines it creates a shape. This is a good example of the element shape this picture is an example of organic shapes. 


Space is the illusion of depth caused by perspective. As the squares go smaller, it looks more distant. This is a good example of space because in this picture, they use different sizes of squares to make it look 3-dimensional when really it is only 2-dimensional.


Texture is the surface quality in the picture. Texture is how the picture feels (ex. rough, smooth). This is a good example of texture because you can see the different types of strokes that the painter took to create this picture. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Value is how a picture can look 3D. Although this picture is 2D, it looks 3D because of how the different colours repel against each other. You can see the outline of the woman because of the two shades beside each other. This is a good example of the element value because this shows the contrast between black and white. These two colours put together creates a depth in the picture and makes it stand out. 


Colour defines a picture because it can make a picture stand out more than it already did. This picture is a good example of the element colour because it shows different colours and different shades. It shows that when you mix two primary colorus together, you can make different and unique colours. The colours on the bird make the bird stand out because the colours are so vibrant and unique that it stands out. Although the head is clear and the rest of the body is blurry, the vibrant colours make the bird's body stand out.


A line outlines the object in the picture and makes the background stand out more than whats in front of you. When you first look at this picture, the first thing that stands out to the eye are the two white bars in front. The different lines in this picture make the picture look bigger and makes everything stand out. This is a good example of  the element of line because in the picture, there are many diagonal lines which makes your eyes want to follow each line.